ALBUM: Fearless (Taylor's Version)

The Fearless album is, to me, the epitome of being a young, carefree teenage girl. It covers first loves, first heartbreaks, high school crushes, growing up, and becoming the person you were meant to be (or at least trying to figure it out). It’s still youthful and fun, but with some more mature subjects and lyricism within each track. I knew I wanted a fizzy, spritzy drink for this album because it just felt like the right pairing for a collection of such free-spirited, youthful songs. Also knowing I wanted the cocktail to be gold to keep in line with the album cover, I went through a list of fresh, fruity flavors before settling on a fun take on a peach Bellini. The addition of vanilla vodka and absence of peach purée make this cocktail a bit more potent but just as delicious, complete with a sparkly golden hue and a sugary sweet gold rim to match Taylor’s iconic gold sparkly dresses. It’ll get you buzzed quick, but how fitting is that for an album full of songs about first loves that make you so giddy your head spins?
1 oz vanilla vodka
1 oz peach schnapps
splash of simple syrup
Prosecco to top
gold luster dust
Combine liquors, simple syrup, and luster dust in a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake together and pour into a champagne glass with gold sugar rim. Top with Prosecco.

“Count to ten, take it in, this is life before you know who you’re gonna be.”
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