ALBUM: Lover

The Lover cocktail couldn’t be anything other than pastels and candy and lovey-dovey vibes, and I think I really hit the nail on the head with this one if I say so myself. I wanted this drink to taste as candy-coated as this album looks and these songs sound, so this cotton candy cocktail was very quickly born from my mind into real life. Aside from some outliers, Lover is largely an album about just that: love. It’s romantic and it’s sappy and it’s like a rom-com threw up after a night out. With vibrant songs like “Paper Rings” and “London Boy” paired with romantic ballads like “Lover” and “Cornelia Street”, Taylor vulnerably sings about the sticky-sweetness of true love and infatuation. This cocktail matches that indulgence tenfold, with creamy strawberry liqueur and sugary cotton candy topped off with a pastel-sprinkled rim. This one is for those with a sweet tooth–in taste and in love.
2 oz bailey’s strawberries & cream
2 oz milk of choice
1 teaspoon cotton candy extract
Splash of simple syrup
1 small handful cotton candy
Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice. Strain into a chilled coupe glass with crushed sprinkle rim. garnish with rock candy and more cotton candy.

“I once believed love would be burning red, but it’s golden.”
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