(Truthfully, I don’t think I could ever make a good enough cocktail to actually do this song justice, but this is my attempt.)
If you’re like me, you can’t hear “Tiny Dancer” without thinking of Almost Famous. You know the scene: the entire gang gets on the bus after Russell’s acid-trip-induced pool dive. The vibe is a bit awkward, the band’s feeling a little down–then “Tiny Dancer” comes on the radio, everyone joins in singing, and the tension fades as all becomes well in the Stillwater universe again. It’s one of my favorite feel-good movie scenes of all time, and whenever I listen to this song, I get the same feeling I do when I watch this movie. Obviously, that meant I had to create a drink that felt and looked good enough to match, and from those aspirations, this coconut cucumber cocktail was born.
The most important aspect of the song, the movie scene, and the cocktail is their simplicity. “Tiny Dancer” is a quaint but powerful song used in a scene filled with peaceful camaraderie, and this cocktail feels the same–calm, peaceful, easygoing. There’s no fuss, no frills, just plain old good flavors that are yummy enough to put a smile on your face. The swoony violins and delicate but momentous piano notes compliment the light and uplifting flavors of this cocktail, with the coconut milk brightening up the palate and the rum giving you a warm, fuzzy feeling similar to the ones you get when you watch your favorite movie or listen to your favorite song.
1.5 oz coconut rum
⅓ cup coconut milk
½ large cucumber, peeled and blended with coconut milk
sliced cucumber garnish
1 fresh mint sprig
Peel your cucumber and blend with coconut milk until smooth. Strain through a mesh sieve if needed. Add mixture to a cocktail shaker with ice, add rum, and shake until cold. Pour into a glass and garnish with cucumbers and fresh mint.
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