Smoke on the Water - Deep Purple

It’s one of the most iconic guitar riffs in rock history… you knew this one was coming. Everyone knows and loves this song, and when I was deciding which cocktail to pair with it, I knew exactly what I wanted it to look like right off the bat–the hard part was deciding what actual cocktail to put in the glass. I settled on a smoked Amaretto Sour; warm and intense but not overpowering, much like the progression of this particular song.
You start the song off strong with those four notes everyone knows by heart, and this cocktail starts off strong, too. The warm, nutty notes of the Amaretto mix beautifully with the splash of bourbon, and the flavor profile really evens out with the sour balance. What really makes this cocktail shine, though, is the smoked cinnamon stick used to add a deep, smoky flavor to the initial tasting. Smoking the cocktail lets that rich cinnamon flavor hang out in the glass for a bit, which leaves a cozy aftertaste with each sip (plus, the “Smoke on the Water” cocktail featuring smoked garnishes looked too cool to pass up).
2 oz amaretto
0.5 oz bourbon
2 oz sour mix
1 oz tonic water
smoked cinnamon stick
maraschino cherries
Stir all ingredients together with ice and pour into glass. Garnish with cherries and cinnamon stick if desired.
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